
Back to School

Today is Anjanette’s 1st day working full time in the job she secured shortly before the school broke up for summer. So my new routine kicks in today as well which, roughly speaking, will be:

  • 08:00 – Deliver Anjanette to school, give Patch a run, read the paper over a morning tea
  • 09:00 – Compose and publish today’s blog (I’ve set myself a minimum daily target of one post for now)
  • 10:00 – Rise from the desk and get some fresh air (e.g. walk round the block if the weather’s fine)
  • 11:00 – Project Time – I’ll post about my new project plans very soon
  • 12:30 – Lunch and catch up on news (TV, radio, social media – but not TOO much!)
  • 13:30 – Project Time – See 11:30
  • 15:00 – Leave the house to pick up Anjanette – via another dog walk
  • 16:00 – School Pickup – and so it’s family time

This schedule gives me 4 hours of daily project and blogging time which really should be enough. I’ll report back on how well it goes – best laid plans etc.!